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As the world awakens to the beauty of gardening, National Gardening Day stands as a beacon of appreciation for those who enjoy tending to their gardens and watching their creations grow. For tomato enthusiasts, this day holds a special significance—a chance to revel in the joys of nurturing these luscious fruits from seed to harvest. As we embrace the spirit of National Gardening Day, let’s delve into three essential steps to ensure your tomato plants thrive in your garden sanctuary!

  1. Planting with Purpose

The journey of tomato cultivation begins with thoughtful planning and preparation. Select a sunny spot in your garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight daily, providing the ideal environment for robust tomato growth. Ensure the soil is well-drained and enriched with organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, to promote healthy root development and nutrient uptake. When planting seedlings or transplants, bury them deep in the soil, up to the first set of leaves, to encourage sturdy root systems and resilient plants. With a firm foundation laid, your tomato patch is primed for growth and productivity.

  1. Nurturing Tender Shoots

As your tomato plants unfurl their tender leaves and reach towards the sun, it’s essential to provide them with the care and attention they require to flourish. Regular watering is crucial, particularly during dry spells, to prevent the soil from drying out and ensure consistent moisture levels for optimal growth. Mulching around the base of the plants helps retain moisture, suppresses weeds, and regulates soil temperature—an invaluable aid in maintaining a healthy tomato patch. Additionally, vigilant pest and disease management, such as inspecting plants for signs of infestation and promptly addressing any issues, safeguard against potential threats and promote vigorous plant growth. With tender nurturing and attentive care, your tomato plants will thrive, rewarding you with a bountiful harvest in due time.

  1. Cultivating Your Plants

As the warm days of summer are nearly upon us, your tomato plants will reach their peak of productivity, laden with plump, juicy fruits ripe for the picking. Harvesting tomatoes at their peak of ripeness ensures optimal flavour and nutrition, so keep an eye on your plants and pick fruits as they mature. Gently twist or cut ripe tomatoes from the vine, taking care not to damage the plant or surrounding foliage.

On National Gardening Day, let’s celebrate the simple pleasures of tending to your garden and watching it flourish. So, dig in, get your hands dirty, and let the magic of gardening unfold in your tomato patch!

As we celebrate World Health Day, a global initiative aimed at promoting health and well-being for all, it’s a great chance to explore the remarkable health benefits of one of nature’s most versatile fruits—the tomato.

Beyond its vibrant colour and savoury taste, the tomato boasts an array of nutritional properties that contribute to overall health and vitality, and we want to share our top three health benefits of the tomato with you…

  1. Rich Source of Antioxidants

Tomatoes are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene, which help combat oxidative stress and neutralise harmful free radicals in the body. Among these antioxidants, lycopene stands out as a potent defender against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain cancers. As a result, regular consumption of tomatoes and tomato-based products may contribute to a reduced risk of developing these ailments, promoting long-term health and well-being.

  1. Heart-Healthy Support

Embrace the heart-healthy benefits of tomatoes to support cardiovascular wellness. Potassium, a mineral abundant in tomatoes, plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and supporting heart function. Additionally, the fibre content in tomatoes aids in cholesterol management by helping to lower LDL cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Incorporating tomatoes into your diet as a flavourful addition to salads, sauces, or soups can contribute to a heart-smart eating pattern, nurturing your cardiovascular health with every bite.

  1. Nutrient-Rich Fuel

Tomatoes are a nutrient-rich powerhouse, offering a range of essential vitamins and minerals that fuel optimal health and vitality. Vitamin A, vital for vision and immune function, is abundant in tomatoes, as are vitamins B6 and C, which support energy metabolism and immune health. Furthermore, the presence of minerals such as potassium, manganese, and folate enhances the nutritional profile of tomatoes, contributing to overall well-being and vitality. By incorporating tomatoes into your daily diet, you provide your body with a rich source of nourishment, energizing both body and mind for the challenges of daily life.

As we celebrate World Health Day, lets acknowledge the nutritional benefits of tomatoes and their profound impact on our health and well-being. By embracing these vibrant fruits as a cornerstone of a balanced diet, we can nourish our bodies, fortify our hearts, and cultivate a foundation of health that empowers us to thrive each day!

As winter fades away for another year, and the days gradually lengthen, spring invites gardeners to tend to their beloved tomato plants. These vibrant and versatile fruits thrive in the warmer temperatures and increased daylight so here are three essential tips to ensure your tomatoes flourish as the season unfolds!

  1. Provide a Gradual Transition

As the last frost disappears, resist the urge to rush your tomatoes into the great outdoors. Opt for a gradual transition to the open garden. Begin by introducing them to outdoor conditions for a few hours each day, gradually extending the time. This acclimatisation process, known as hardening off, helps plants adjust to the increased sunlight and temperature variations. Shielding young tomato plants from unexpected cold snaps ensures a robust start to their outdoor tenure.

  1. Encourage Healthy Growth

Spring is the opportune moment to engage in thoughtful pruning. Assess the overall health of your tomato plants and identify any crowded or damaged branches. Prune away these superfluous stems, allowing for increased air circulation and sunlight penetration. Pinch off the lower leaves that may come into contact with soil, minimising the risk of soil-borne diseases. This meticulous pruning not only fosters a more vibrant plant but also directs the plant’s energy towards fruitful endeavours, enhancing the yield of those coveted tomatoes.

  1. Feed the Soil and the Plants

Spring is a season of revitalisation, and your tomato plants crave a nutrient-rich environment. Prioritise the soil health by amending it with well-rotted compost or organic matter. This infusion of nutrients fortifies the soil structure and enhances water retention. Consider a balanced fertiliser application to supply the essential nutrients tomatoes crave. Remember, moderation is key. Over-fertilising can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of fruit production. Strike a balance, providing your tomatoes with the nourishment they need for a bountiful harvest.

As we immerse ourselves in National Nutrition Month, there’s no better time to spotlight the unsung hero of the produce aisle—the tomato.

Bursting with both flavour and nutrition, tomatoes stand tall as a dietary dynamo, offering health benefits that go beyond their delightful taste. We’re going to explore three key nutritional aspects that make tomatoes a stellar addition to your plate this National Nutrition Month:

  1. Vibrant Source of Antioxidants

Packed with compounds like lycopene, vitamin C, and beta-carotene, tomatoes act as formidable scavengers of free radicals in the body. Lycopene, in particular, has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases and plays a role in promoting skin health. Embrace the vibrant colours of tomatoes to infuse your diet with a spectrum of antioxidants, providing a protective shield for your cells.

  1. Heart-Healthy Emissaries

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by indulging in tomatoes to nurture your heart. The potassium content in tomatoes supports cardiovascular health by helping regulate blood pressure. Additionally, the fibre and cholesterol-lowering compounds in tomatoes contribute to a heart-friendly diet. Whether enjoyed fresh in salads, as a luscious pasta sauce, or in the form of a hearty tomato soup, these crimson delights contribute to a nourished and resilient cardiovascular system.

  1. A Bounty of Vitamins and Minerals

Tomatoes aren’t just a flavour booster; they’re a treasure trove of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A, vital for vision and skin health, and vitamin K, essential for blood clotting, are present in tomatoes. The B-vitamins, including folate and niacin, support energy metabolism and contribute to overall well-being. Incorporate tomatoes into diverse dishes to unlock their nutritional richness and infuse your meals with a spectrum of vital nutrients.

This National Nutrition Month, let tomatoes take centre stage on your plate. As you relish the taste, savour the fact that each juicy bite contributes not just to the symphony of flavours but also to your journey toward optimal health and well-being!

With winter now in full swing, at R&L Holt we’re making sure to keep the January blues at bay by reflecting on our tomatoes growth journey in 2024 so far and more exciting things to come in the spring!

The production of tomatoes in winter has become a strategic and innovative practice, allowing us to defy the conventional growing seasons. Through the use of greenhouse technology, hydroponics, and carefully controlled indoor environments, tomatoes can be cultivated year-round. Winter tomato production involves mimicking optimal growing conditions, providing a consistent temperature, humidity, and light, ensuring the plants thrive even in colder months. This not only contributes to a more sustainable and resilient food supply but also satisfies the yearning for fresh, flavourful tomatoes irrespective of the season. We’re proud to share that the production of our winter crop has been in full flow for over a month, and we’re not stopping there…

Young plants have arrived for our conventional crops that we will start harvesting later in March. Harvesting tomatoes in March marks the early stages of the growing season, presenting a promising glimpse of fresh and flavourful produce after the winter months. In regions where the weather allows, March signals the beginning of tomato harvests, bringing forth the fruits of careful cultivation and anticipation. March harvests bring the joy of freshly picked tomatoes, a prelude to the abundance that the approaching warmer months promise.

Keep an eye on our upcoming blog posts for more exciting news about our tomato journey in the spring!


Tomatoes, with their juicy goodness and versatile uses, have earned a cherished spot in our kitchens and gardens. As we embark on a Tomato Talk, let’s address some of the most common questions about this beloved fruit. From cultivation to culinary applications, we’ve got your tomato queries covered!

  1. How Do I Grow Tomatoes Successfully?

Cultivating tomatoes is a rewarding venture, and success starts with the basics:

  • Sunshine Lover: Tomatoes thrive in sunlight. Ensure your plants receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Well-Drained Soil: Plant tomatoes in well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, a common woe for these plants.
  • Watering Wisely: Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. Irregular watering can lead to issues like blossom end rot.
  • Support Systems: Many tomato varieties benefit from staking or caging to support their growth and prevent sprawling.
  1. Why Do My Tomatoes Have Cracks?

Cracked tomatoes can be a bit disappointing, but understanding the causes can help prevent this issue:

  • Inconsistent Watering: Fluctuations in watering, especially irregular watering followed by heavy watering, can lead to cracks.
  • Variety Matters: Some tomato varieties are more prone to cracking. Consider growing crack-resistant varieties.
  • Weather Factors: Rapid changes in weather, particularly fluctuations in temperature and humidity, can contribute to cracking.
  1. Can I Grow Tomatoes in Containers?

Absolutely! Container gardening is a fantastic option, especially for those with limited space. Here’s how to make it successful:

  • Choose the Right Container: Opt for large containers with good drainage to accommodate the tomato’s root system.
  • Quality Soil: Use high-quality potting soil that provides the necessary nutrients.
  • Support the Plant: Many compact or determinate tomato varieties do well in containers. Use stakes or cages for support.
  1. How Can I Ripen Green Tomatoes?

Sometimes you find yourself with a bounty of green tomatoes. Fear not, as you can ripen them indoors:

  • Paper Bag Method: Place green tomatoes in a paper bag with a ripe banana. The ethylene gas from the banana speeds up ripening.
  • Windowsill Ripening: Arrange green tomatoes on a sunny windowsill, and they’ll gradually ripen.
  1. What’s the Best Way to Store Tomatoes?

Proper storage ensures your tomatoes stay fresh and flavourful:

  • Room Temperature: Keep fully ripe tomatoes at room temperature for the best flavour. Only refrigerate if they’re overripe and need to be used soon.
  • Separate from Fruits: Store tomatoes away from fruits like bananas and apples, as these release ethylene gas, which can hasten ripening.

In the vast world of tomatoes, the Piccolo variety stands out as a petite powerhouse of flavour. These small, vibrant tomatoes may be diminutive in size, but their taste packs a punch that rivals their larger counterparts. In this blog, we delve into the unique characteristics, cultivation tips, and culinary delights offered by the charming Piccolo tomato.

  1. Tiny Marvels of Flavour:

Piccolo tomatoes, aptly named for their small size, typically measure about one inch in diameter. Despite their petite stature, these tomatoes are bursting with intense, sweet, and tangy flavours. The concentrated taste is often described as a delightful blend of sweetness and acidity, making them a favourite among tomato enthusiasts.

  1. Appearance and Varieties:

Piccolo tomatoes come in various colours, with red and yellow being the most common. The red Piccolo tomatoes exhibit a classic tomato hue, while the yellow variety offers a bright and sunny alternative. Both types share the same rich flavour profile. Their round shape and glossy skin contribute to their visual appeal, making them an attractive addition to salads and culinary presentations.

  1. Cultivation Tips:

Growing Piccolo tomatoes can be a rewarding experience, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice. Here are some cultivation tips to ensure a thriving Piccolo tomato plant:

  • Container Gardening: Piccolo tomatoes, being compact plants, adapt well to container gardening. Choose a pot with good drainage and fill it with nutrient-rich soil.
  • Sunlight Requirements: Like their larger counterparts, Piccolo tomatoes thrive in full sunlight. Ensure they receive at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth and fruit development.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, avoiding waterlogging. Mulching around the base of the plant helps retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.
  • Support and Pruning: Provide support for the plants, especially when they start bearing fruit. Stake or cage the plants to prevent sprawling. Regular pruning of excess foliage encourages better air circulation and minimizes the risk of diseases.
  1. Culinary Delights:

The versatility of Piccolo tomatoes extends to the kitchen, where their intense flavour elevates a variety of dishes. Here are some culinary delights to explore:

  • Fresh Salads: Add a burst of flavour to salads by tossing in halved Piccolo tomatoes. Their vibrant colours and rich taste complement greens and other vegetables.
  • Bruschetta: Create a classic bruschetta by combining diced Piccolo tomatoes with garlic, basil, olive oil, and a pinch of salt. Serve on toasted bread for a simple yet delightful appetizer.
  • Pasta Sauces: Piccolo tomatoes make excellent pasta sauces. Simmer them with garlic, onions, and herbs for a quick and flavourful tomato sauce.

The Piccolo tomato variety is a testament to the idea that good things often come in small packages. From their intense flavour to their adaptability in cultivation, Piccolo tomatoes have earned a special place in the hearts of gardeners and food enthusiasts alike. Whether enjoyed fresh in salads or incorporated into a variety of dishes, these tiny marvels never fail to deliver a burst of summer goodness. Consider introducing the Piccolo tomato to your garden or kitchen for a delightful experience that proves great flavour knows no size.

While winter typically signals a slowdown in gardening, cultivating tomatoes at home during the colder months is not only possible but incredibly rewarding. With a bit of planning and the right techniques, you can enjoy the juicy goodness of homegrown tomatoes even when the snow is falling outside. In this guide, we’ll explore the steps to successfully grow tomatoes indoors during the winter months.

  1.  Selecting Tomato Varieties:

Choose tomato varieties that are well-suited for indoor growing. Compact or dwarf varieties work best, as they adapt well to container gardening. Cherry tomatoes, such as Tiny Tim or Micro Tom, are popular choices for indoor cultivation due to their smaller size and shorter growing season.

  1. Choosing the Right Containers:

Opt for containers with good drainage to prevent waterlogging. Use nutrient-rich, well-aerated potting soil that retains moisture. Consider self-watering containers to maintain consistent soil moisture levels. Each tomato plant should ideally have a container with a minimum size of 5 gallons.

  1. Providing Adequate Light:

Light is crucial for indoor tomato plants, especially during winter when natural sunlight is limited. Place your containers near a south-facing window to maximize sunlight exposure. Additionally, supplement natural light with artificial grow lights, placing them 6-12 inches above the plants for 12-16 hours per day. High-quality LED or fluorescent lights work well for this purpose.

  1. Optimising Temperature and Humidity:

Tomatoes thrive in temperatures between 65°F and 75°F (18°C to 24°C). Ensure your indoor space maintains these temperatures, avoiding drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. Use a humidity tray or humidifier to maintain a humidity level of around 50-70%, as tomatoes appreciate slightly higher humidity.

  1. Pollination Techniques:

In the absence of outdoor pollinators, you may need to assist in the pollination process. Gently shake the plants or use a small, soft brush to transfer pollen between flowers. This mimics the action of bees and helps ensure proper fruit development.

  1. Feeding and Watering:

Use a balanced, water-soluble fertiliser to provide essential nutrients to your tomato plants. Feed them every 2-3 weeks during the growing season. Water consistently, keeping the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Adjust watering frequency based on the specific needs of your tomato variety.

  1. Pruning for Productivity:

Regularly prune your tomato plants to encourage airflow and prevent the development of diseases. Pinch off suckers (side shoots) to direct the plant’s energy toward fruit production. Additionally, remove any yellowing or damaged leaves.

Happy gardening!

Sustainable energy, often harnessed from sources like solar, wind, and hydropower, offers a multitude of benefits for our planet and society. It significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating the impacts of climate change. By relying on clean, renewable sources, we can decrease our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to a low-carbon future. This is why at R&L Holt, we take sustainable energy practices seriously and our aim is to do the very best for our plants and our plant.

Are you wondering what we do to keep our practices sustainable? Keep reading…

  1.     Energy and Heating

With protected crops and all year round production we do heat our crops in the UK as do growers in all of Northern Europe. To remain efficient and sustainable we use steam and hot water biomass boilers and have CHP engines to help power the lit crops. We use gas via anaerobic digestor plant and utilise the byproduct carbon dioxide to help the crops to grow.

  1.     Water

All sites have reservoirs that collect rain water. With filtration and sterilisation equipment used we recirculate solution in closed systems to ensure we are efficient with this resource.

  1.     Pollination

We use Native bumble bees to pollinate our plants with the aim to work simultaneously with bees to benefit them and our plants.

  1.     Biological Control

An IPM (Integrated Pest Management) approach to control pest and disease is used. Introductions of natural predators in the crop helps to reduce crop stress and leaf damage and help to optimise the growth of the crop.

  1.     Climate Control

This high-tech industry has computers controlling the climate. This includes monitoring temperature, humidity, ventilation, screening, irrigation and lighting.

  1.     Waste Material

All leaves and waste from the plants is used in the Anaerobic Digestors or composted.

The tomato, now an indispensable part of British cuisine, has a fascinating history in the United Kingdom. However, it wasn’t always welcomed with open arms. In this blog, we’ll take a journey through time to explore the intriguing story of how the tomato evolved from a suspicious, even feared, fruit to a beloved ingredient in British cooking.

Tomatoes: An Exotic Arrival:

In the early 16th century, tomatoes arrived in Britain as part of the Columbian Exchange, which brought New World crops to Europe. Initially, they were viewed with scepticism and even fear. The tomato’s vibrant red colour led many to believe it was poisonous, a suspicion further fuelled by its botanical relationship to the deadly nightshade family.

Tomatoes as Table Ornaments:

For several centuries, tomatoes were primarily grown as ornamental plants rather than food. Their striking appearance made them popular in European gardens, but they were rarely found on British plates.

A Slow Culinary Evolution:

It wasn’t until the 18th century that the tomato began to make its way into British cuisine, albeit cautiously. Early recipes featured tomatoes in pies, often combined with sugar and spices to temper their perceived tartness. Slowly, the tomato was inching its way into British kitchens.

The Influence of Italian and Spanish Cuisine:

The breakthrough for the tomato in Britain came with the influence of Italian and Spanish cuisine. Both of these cuisines embraced tomatoes, and as British travellers and traders returned from these Mediterranean regions, they brought back a taste for tomato-based dishes.

Tomato Triumphs in the 19th Century:

The 19th century saw a surge in the popularity of tomatoes in Britain. They were featured in soups, sauces, and salads. The publication of Mrs. Beeton’s “Book of Household Management” in 1861 included numerous tomato recipes, helping to cement their place in British cooking.

Tomatoes in the Modern British Diet:

By the 20th century, tomatoes had become a staple in the British diet. The introduction of tomato ketchup, canned tomatoes, and tomato-based products further solidified their status. Today, tomatoes are essential ingredients in classic British dishes like the full English breakfast and Ploughman’s lunch.

The Tomato’s Health Benefits:

Apart from their culinary significance, tomatoes gained recognition for their health benefits. They are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C and lycopene, a powerful antioxidant linked to heart health and cancer prevention.

The tomato’s journey through British history is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of culinary traditions. From being feared as poisonous to being celebrated as a versatile and nutritious ingredient, the tomato’s acceptance in British cuisine is a story of adaptation, openness to new flavours, and the enduring appeal of delicious food. Today, tomatoes stand as a symbol of the diverse and vibrant culinary landscape in the United Kingdom, and their journey is a testament to the power of culinary curiosity and innovation.